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The Bridge Project 


How is it that bridges can support so much weight?? When they built the Golden Gate Bridge, how did the figure out how to design the bridge to hold the weight of the cars that would drive over it?? 


The Bridge Project is a comprehensive inter-disciplinary project that engrosses students into scientific and mathematical understanding of engineering basics. Students observe the four basic types of bridges: Beam, Arch, Truss, and Suspension (BATS) and learn the basics of engineering designs that support these structures. Through research, observation, hypothesis, and hands-on learning, students construct bridges built to support 100 lbs. of hanging weight. 


Students utilize their previous understanding and knowledge of changes in matter, through the property of weight [NCES 5.P.2] to partner with their mathematical understanding of geometric concepts on how triangles and rectangles constructed appropriately can hoist a more supportive structure [CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1]. 


Students also use their cooperative group-work skill sets by using journal writings to appropriately and effectively communicate with their partners. The kicker in this project is while you may be in a group of 4-5 students, no student is in the same at the same time. This effect forces students to find alternate methods of communication, namely through writing and using technology to pass along key information and game-plan ideas [CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2 (all)]. 





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